Tuesday, September 29, 2009

closer and closer

The finish is in sight. The place is taking form. This week we'll see lots of progress on site and even start to see seating and shelters going at the end of the week.

The rain has slowed things down a little, the cold on the weekend didn't help much either. It isn't fun working in sleet , the Convic team report. We are expecting to take down the fences on October 14th, all going well. The last part of the job is applying a special finish to sections of the banks which Convic tell us will make the park even better.

We do need to make sure people keep out of the park until the fences are down and the site is open for use. If anyone gets into the site earlier safety inspectors from Work Cover will close the site while an investigation is undertaken, a report filed and changes made to secure the site further. This will mean it will take at least two weeks longer to open it - so if you hear of anyone keen to sneak in tell them how bad an idea it is - for everyone.

There was a great article in the paper on the weekend - take a look here on the new Canberra Skateboarding Association website canberraskateboarding.org

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there any confirmation for the date of the Official Opening?

There are rumours of t being the same weekend as the Melbourne Cup holiday and many people travel and there are already other interstate skateboard events scheduled so i am sure people have already started to make travel/holiday plans already.

Dave Pang


yamaha rhino class action