Wednesday, July 29, 2009

work starts

Things are now getting very exciting. Construction works commence this week - fences should go up Friday with electrical services excavations over the weekend.

The heavy machinery will be on site mid next week to do the bulk excavation.

How much of the original design is included? Thankfully we have managed to keep all the skate elements shown in the last released design and have managed to find the necessary savings through deleting the climbing wall, shelters, sports level lighting, some of the seating and probably some of the signage. We do hope that these will be able to looked at again in the near future, which of course is always dependent on other competing budget priorities for the Government.

Soon we will start to plan launching the facility with the Canberra Skateboarding Association and the Woden Youth Service. As always we welcome your suggestions for this event.

Edited to Add: Contracts are being finalised for the successful tenderers on the skate park component at the moment and an announcement will be made as soon as we are able. We don't think you will be disappointed.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It is busy behind the scenes

It has been a little quiet on the blog this past 3 weeks, however, this does not mean there is nothing happening. The project is in a phase where not a great deal can be said for confidentiality reasons. Please be assured packages are designed and are being tendered with two already issued and one closed. Once successful tenderers for each package are confirmed they will be announced here.

An official start up event for the construction project is hoped to take place on the 10th of August. Further information on this will also be posted once confirmation is received.

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